Friday, December 13, 2024

Creation Moment 12/14/2024 - Pseudoscience of Evolutionary Psychology

"Evolutionary psychologists ran experiments to see if racism is hardwired in the human brain, and concluded it is not, says Scientific American
While this is encouraging that racist feelings can be overcome, it
leaves the psychologists at a loss to explain how racism evolved: “Yet whereas natural selection could conceivably favor automatic categorization according to those two factors [sex and age], exactly how our ancestors might have benefited from encoding race is difficult to imagine.” 
The authors of a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, “Can race be erased?”, propose that the ability to detect alliances might have provided an evolutionary advantage on early humans.
The authors are members of the University of California at Santa Barbara Center for Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology is a reductionist pseudoscience that tries to explain any and all human behavior in Darwinian terms. 
---It’s a form of spin doctoring that deprives humans of any moral responsibility for their actions. 
Let us put a stop to this unscientific, immoral nonsense. Racism results from hatred and sin, and there is a Creator who will hold His creatures accountable for those who do not love their neighbors as themselves." 
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: James 2:8