Sunday, October 6, 2024

Creation Moment 10/7/2024 - Could God have used evolution and millions of years to create?

"Q: Could God have used evolution and millions of years to create? 
A: No, God could not use evolution and millions of years. 

Now some are shocked when I say this as they say, “But God can do anything, He’s the infinite Creator.” 
Others have said, “But Luke 1:37 states, ‘For nothing will be impossible with God.’” 

---God could not use (or have used) evolution and millions of years. To do so would go against His character. 

---In fact, I would claim that for those Christians who believe in
evolution and millions of years, they are condoning a process that is a direct attack on God’s character. 
*God Himself is the definition of good. 
*The attributes of God (all loving, all merciful, etc.) are part of what “good” means. 

When God stepped into history in the person of His Son, He healed people of diseases. He had compassion upon the sick. He raised people from the dead. After all, God’s Word describes death as an “enemy” (1 Corinthians 15:26). 

Now today we live in a world of death, disease and suffering. This is described in Romans 8:22 as a groaning world because of our sin. God didn’t create the world this way because after He finished creating He said everything was “very good” (Genesis 1:31). 

Our sin messed up this “very good” world resulting in death (which is an enemy, an intrusion), disease, and suffering. 
Now evolution involves a process of death, violence, disease and suffering over millions of years to supposedly produce all life including humans
*The fossil record, which is supposedly a record of the evolution of life over millions of years, is replete with remains of all sorts of animals, with many bones showing evidence of diseases like cancer, abscesses, arthritis, and more. 

---Now for those Christians who take man’s ideas of evolution and millions of years (which is really a pagan religion to try to explain life without God--naturalism) and add it into the Bible, they are saying all these supposed millions of years of death and disease existed before man. 
Now after God created everything including man, He said everything He made was “very good.” 
*In other words, for the Christian who believes in millions of years, they have to then accept God is calling diseases like cancer and violence “very good.” 
That is an attack on the character of God. 
Instead of trying to add evolution into the Bible, we need to start with God’s Word. 
No, God could not, would not and did not use evolution/millions of years as part of His creative processes." 
Ken Ham