Sunday, September 22, 2024

LESSON of: "With the wild beasts"

And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto Him. Mark 1:13

"With the wild beasts - This is a curious circumstance, which is mentioned by none of the other evangelists; and seems to intimate that 
---He was in the most remote, unfrequented, and savage part of the desert; 
---which, together with the diabolic influence, tended to render the whole scene the more horrid. 
Mark observes this circumstance of his being in the wilderness—that he was with the wild beasts.
It was an instance of His Father's care of Him,
that He was preserved from being torn in pieces by the wild beasts, which encouraged Him the more that His Father would provide for Him when He was hungry." 
Adam Clarke