Friday, September 20, 2024

In the evening .....

In the evening withhold not thy hand.
Ecclesiastes 11:6

"In the evening of the day opportunities are plentiful: men return from their labor, and the zealous soul-winner finds time to tell abroad the love of Jesus. 
Q: Have I no evening work for Jesus? 
---Sinners are perishing for lack of knowledge; 
---he who loiters may find his skirts crimson with the blood of souls. Jesus gave both His hands to the nails, 
Q: how can I keep back one of mine from his blessed work? 
Night and day He toiled and prayed for me, how can I give a single hour to the pampering of my flesh with luxurious ease? 
Up, idle heart; stretch out thy hand to work, or uplift it to pray; heaven and hell are in earnest, let me be so, and this evening sow good seed for the Lord my God.
By His grace I will die in harness, and lay down my charge only when I lay down my body." 
Charles Spurgeon