Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Creation Moment 9/4/2024 - DNA secret code called ‘spatial grammar’

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works;
Psalm 139:14

"Picture this -- you have a barrier of concrete block of letters, and
your goal is to figure out exactly what they mean. But the catch? These aren't letters from a typical language that you already know, they're sequences from the intricate and complex language of the human genome. 
Q: Now, what if there's a hidden rule, a "spatial grammar," that holds the key to the meaning behind these DNA sequences?

That's exactly what team of scientists recently discovered -- a hidden "spatial grammar" code embedded within DNA.

Q: How does DNA's spatial grammar work exactly? 
A: Think of transcription factors as pieces on a board game. Their function isn't determined just by what piece they are, but crucially, where they are on the board.

How they act depends on the "spacing" or "ambience" between the transcription factors and their position in relation to where a gene's transcription starts.

The discovery of spatial grammar within the genome has profound implications for our understanding of gene regulation.
For instance, it challenges the traditional view that transcription factors operate in isolation, suggesting instead that gene expression is a complex interplay influenced by the relative positioning of these factors." 