Monday, August 19, 2024

10 Point Identification of the Land Beast SERIES: 9

"Let us then look a little further at this symbol of Rev.13:11-17, and see if our government has developed any features in its past history, or present character, which answer to the specifications brought to view in the symbol.

9.He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down
from heaven on the earth in the sight of men
It is another striking fact that in this country modern Spiritualism originated, through which many wonders have already appeared, and others, to the full extent of the prophecy, may just as easily follow; for Spiritualism is a masterpiece of evil to deceive; and it, according to the prophecy, is one of the great factors which is to lead the nation on in the oppressive work which it is finally to do. Verse 14." 
Uriah Smith