Sunday, August 18, 2024

10 Point Identification of the Land Beast SERIES: 8

"Let us then look a little further at this symbol of Rev.13:11-17, and see if our government has developed any features in its past history, or present character, which answer to the specifications brought to view in the symbol.

8. The nation represented by the two-horned beast is a Protestant
nation; for it causes its people to worship the first beast, the Papacy, by religiously regarding some institution of the Papacy, as noted above. Now, if it were a papal nation, its citizens would voluntarily render that worship, or if enforced by the government, it would enforce the worship of itself. 
---But here it is one power enforcing the worship of another power, and that other power is the Papacy; for it is the first beast. 
Therefore, this power that enforces the worship is a Protestant power, which is another feature by which it is shown that the two-horned beast applies to our own country." 
Uriah Smith