Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Sabbath: "Satan's church" vs. "Body of Christ"

"Thus we see that in choosing the first day of the week as the substitute for the Sabbath of the Lord, Satan has moved man to assume a power that God Himself does not possess. 
This fact shows that Sunday as a rest-day is the mark of Satan's power, and not of the Lord's, for the work of Satan is to put himself in the place of God, and this he could do only by claiming greater power than the Lord. 
But Satan works through man. So as he is " the god of this world " (2 Corinthians 4:4), he works through the powers of the world ; therefore when worldly powers assume control of the affairs of the church and religion, the State Church thus formed is Satan's church, in direct opposition to the church which is the body of Christ." 
Present Truth