Friday, July 19, 2024

Prophecies understood Best in Retrospect

"Matthew noted that Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem fulfilled a prophecy: “Tell you the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy King comes unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass." Matt. 21:5; Zech. 9:9
But neither the multitude, who had this prophecy in mind, nor Jesus’ disciples, who were arguing about who should have the highest place in Christ’s kingdom, realized that the King riding in apparent triumph was soon to suffer the ignominy of the cross.
It is true that Christ spoke to His disciples of His coming death, but it is equally true that the disciples did not really grasp what He meant. Jesus clearly explained the Messianic prophecies to His disciples only in retrospect, only after they had suffered their own great disappointment! It was on the road to Emmaus, after the crucifixion and resurrection, that Jesus began to explain to His disciples how His death fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies.

When the disciples had preached, before Jesus’ crucifixion, that the kingdom of God was at hand, they were certainly preaching the true word of God, even though they did not properly understand what they preached. And after their disappointment, when they at last understood the Messianic prophecies, how great and Spirit-led was their movement." 
F.D. Nichols