Sunday, July 28, 2024

Looking to the End SERIES: Peril of Atheism and Infidelity

The Peril of Atheism and Infidelity
Anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law, not only divine, but human. The centralizing of wealth and power; the vast combinations for the enriching of the few at the expense of the many; the combinations of the poorer classes for the defense of their interests and claims; the spirit of unrest, of riot and bloodshed; the world-wide dissemination of the same teachings that led to the French Revolutionall are tending to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to that which convulsed France” (Education, 228)."

The world is deluged with books which sow the seeds of skepticism, infidelity, and atheism, and to a larger or less degree you have been
learning your lessons from these books, and they are magical books. They put God out of the mind, and separate the soul from the true Shepherd. The volumes you have read have been devised by the agents of Satan to bewitch the mind with theories formed in the synagogue of Satan, to show you how you may serve the evil one with satanic dignity. 
How numerous are the books of infidel tendencies, which are calculated to unsettle the mind through specious doubts! Satan has breathed his poisonous breath upon them, and a deadly, spiritual malaria affects the soul that reads them. What a mass of fictitious reading is there in the world, to fill the mind with fancies and follies, thus creating a disrelish for the words of truth and righteousness!
 The mind is thus unfitted for solemn thought, 
for patient, persevering investigation of the Scriptures, 
which is the guide book by which you are to be directed to the paradise of God” (The Youth’s Instructor, Nov. 16, 1893).

Comment: Infidel, atheistic teachings are deadly to spirituality. So is sexual immorality. 23,000 Israelites fell in one day because of sexual sin on the edge of the Promised Land (see Numbers 25). 
*This was written for our admonition, “upon whom the ends of the world are come” 
(1 Corinthians 10:8,11)." 
Steve Wohlberg/F7
Ripped from Current Headlines:
"Kamala Harris is set to make a guest appearance Friday on the Paramount+ series RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. The segment was taped before Joe Biden announced Sunday that he is quitting his re-election campaign.
In the segment, Kamala Harris fear-mongers toward her massive gay fanbase, erroneously telling them “each day we are seeing our rights and freedoms under attack, including the right of everyone to be who they are, love who they love, openly and with pride.”
Despite her claims, there have been no federal or state laws banning homosexuality or gay marriage. Kamala Harris’ segment features appearances by drag queen Michelle Visage as well as Lance Bass, Leslie Jones, and Cheyenne Jackson.
Since she was anointed by Democrat party elites as their presumptive nominee — effectively nullifying the entire presidential primary process — Kamala Harris has received an outpouring of support from LGBTQ+ leaders." 