Tuesday, July 23, 2024

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia (Lucifer) Stalks Planet with Violent Unrest

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: Daniel 10:13

"Riots broke out in a multicultural area of the English city of Leeds on Thursday evening, with hundreds of residents setting fires, throwing stones, and clashing with police.
Horrific images poured out from the heavily Pakistani Harehills area in east Leeds. Riots broke out in a multicultural area of the English city of Leeds with hundreds of residents setting fires, throwing stones, and clashing with police.
Horrific images poured out from the heavily Pakistani Harehills area in east Leeds. The West Yorkshire Police said per the Manchester Evening News: “Officers attended and found an ongoing disturbance which involved some agency workers and some children. More people started to attend the location and a decision was made to remove the agency workers and the children to a safe place." 

"Police in Kenya have banned protests in the capital indefinitely citing a lack of leadership that would ensure peaceful protests.
The ban was announced hours before a planned protest for Thursday, in which demonstrators were expected to march to the president’s office calling for his resignation over poor governance.
Recent protests have left businesses counting losses after the looting and burnings.
Protesters were yet to be spotted Thursday but major roads leading to the president’s office remained barricaded by the police.
Kenya has seen a month of protests that started with calls for legislators to vote against a controversial finance bill that was proposing higher taxes amidst a cost-of-living crisis and ballooning public debt." 

"Weeks-long protests in Bangladesh led by students have descended into increasing violence amid severe economic woes and a new controversial law widely seen as unfairly rewarding supporters of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League party with lucrative government jobs.
Since early June, campus-based protests have called for a complete shutdown of the country until the new policy is repealed. A High Court ruling at the start of the summer came down in favor of a quota system which secures 30% of government jobs for family members of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s 1971 war of independence from Pakistan. The student protesters have demanded a system based on merit. A series of initially peaceful university protests resulted in increasingly chaotic scenes and clashes with police, resulting in casualties. From there protests have grown nation-wide." 

First, the Left Rioted when the Right won the 1st round of elections-
"The rally was ended after dozens of young demonstrators threw
bottles and other projectiles at police, who responded with tear gas.

The regional prefecture said seven arrests were made among about 80 people who took positions in front of the march through the city centre.
The rally was called by unions opposed to the far-right National Rally party, which is tipped to make major gains in the legislative election. The first round of voting is on June 30." 
Then the Left Rioted when they (the Left) won the 2nd round---
"Turmoil erupted after the left-wing New Popular Front coalition emerged victorious.....Riots, clashes, and looting broke out across France as left-wing supporters flooded the streets to celebrate the
New Popular Front coalition's victory. Over
30,000 riot police officers, including 5,000 in Paris alone, were deployed across
to prevent violence as political tensions rose ahead of the election showdown between the right and left. The crowd gathered at Republic Square, firing fireworks and chanting: "Young people, screw the National Front!"
Police desperately tried to disperse the crowd with tear gas as a hooded and masked mob started throwing bottles, erecting barricades, and setting bikes on fire. At least one officer was reportedly injured by a Molotov cocktail." 