Saturday, July 20, 2024

IN the NEWS - Itching Ears of Another Gospel

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel....For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
Galatians 1:6/2 Timothy 4:3
Example of State of Religion in America today: Independent Presidential Candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr. and his VP pick Nicole Shanahan are holding a "Prayer Circle" led by Wendy Silvers.

Q: Who is Wendy Silvers?
A: On her website she states "I do not engage in spiritual bypass so if you are working with me, I know you are ready to release old, limiting beliefs.....have been invited to speak at cutting-edge events such as Bhakti Fest, Birth 2012, Agape International Spiritual Center, Conscious Living Expo, and Green Festival."
--Bhakti Fest: "The Bhakti Fest Group is the visionary force behind the transformative Bhakti Fest, hosting spiritual gatherings in Joshua Tree, CA, that seamlessly blend music and yoga. Additionally, we organize Luna Sol Retreats, offering annual pilgrimages to sacred destinations like India and Bali, providing participants with profound and enriching experiences."
--Agape International Spiritual Center: "Agape International Spiritual Center is the flagship location of the Agape Movement founded by Beckwith, an international New Thought belief community founded in the tradition of Religious Science, that has expanded into a trans-denominational international community, with members, spiritual practitioners, ministers and ministries across the globe, international live-streaming services....Religious Science/Science of Mind (RS/SOM) is not based on any "authority" of established beliefs, but rather on "what it can accomplish" for the people who practice it."
---Conscious Living Expo: "We live in an evolving universe, in an orgasmic nuclear dance of consciousness. Everything is changing, evolving, transforming. Wise men and women throughout history have tried to define the nature of the reality in which they found themselves. Myriad models have existed- most have fallen into the historical garbage heap, others cling by threads. We, these generations, are creating a new model. Is it all figured out and defined? No. Do we know some of the elements of what this future model might look like? Yes.
The primary intention of the Conscious Life Expo Conference and Exposition is to participate in the conscious co-creation of a new world, a world based on new paradigms in science, in spirituality, in longevity, in local and global community, in relationship, in health and well-being. 

And while we co-create this new wholistic model through our authentic self expression, we also participate in a powerful and passionate celebration of life and love. The Expo is a three-day gathering of the tribes, a three-day celebration of evolution and consciousness and a three-day brainstorming session on who we are, where we are and where we are going."
---Green Festival: "We're assembling Earth's foremost collaborators, activists and innovators to lead the way towards a new climate era. Operating across sustainability, design, culture, food, tech, data, science, policy and entertainment - attendees will participate in solutions-driven experiences alongside world-renowned experts to demonstrate meaningful climate action."
Q: Who exactly will Kennedy and Silvers be praying to?