Tuesday, July 30, 2024

IN the NEWS - Hitler lives on

Any question anyone had about who these IslamoFascists are should be crystal clear now.....
Q: In the 21st century how is this happening?
A: Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked.....1 Samuel 24:13

"Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted the soccer game at the 2024 Olympics, Saturday, with shouts saluting Adolf Hitler.
The group of
pro-Palestinian activists held up Palestinian flags when the Israeli team lined up on the field Saturday alongside Team Paraguay, at the Parc des Princes, but it didn’t end there. 
The group began showing support for Hitler, seemingly in an attempt to get a rise out of the players, and to generate attention to their cause. The group was coordinated in their efforts as they repeatedly made the Nazi salute and chanted “Heil Hitler at the top of their voices." 