Sunday, July 7, 2024

IF the 4 Religions of the West Join Forces to help the Beast

4 Religions of the Modern West
....that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. Revelation 13:14 

Big-Tech via the Silicon Valleys open quest to become "god" by reaching the point of SINGULARUTY.
Not to mention it's attempt at TOTAL and ABSOLUTE control over your every move in cyberspace.

Although rooted historically in LOVE---whether via Christ and His teachings, the LOVE chapter of 1 Corinthians 13, the heart rending stories of the Old Testament (like when Joseph runs across the
Egyptian border sands to his father Jacob, etc.) and the Parables such as the Prodigal Son----there are those among the flock who have entered unawares and follow their own hearts.
Many have shown the ability to slaughter in the name of God---including many innocents as well as fellow Christians (see the Inquisitions and 30 Years War).

The Modern Left (the new home of old Marxist Ideology) has shown over and over again to be INSANE.
From the suicidal push for transgenderism and the LGBT Cult to the attempted Feminization of the male population to the Eco-Marxist push to reduce our standard of living based on crackpot climate theories----they have shown a tendency for violence at every turn every time. And excel at brainwashing. 
Whether support for soft on crime policies or support for illegal immigration --- or support for Islamo-Fascism in a post 9/11 world as seen since Oct. 7 to picking at the scabs of the past on race so as not to let them heal and move on--they are always walking along the edge of national and cultural collapse and ruin.
Their Totalitarian/Authoritarian worldview was on display during COVID and don't forget their current Cancel Culture obsession. Always declaring an oppressed group somewhere so they can fight a perceived oppressor somewhere.

The main EXCUSE many use to hang their hat on to justify no belief in God, any "god" for that matter---except for the god of SELF.
Where one decides, upon the shifting sand of opinion, what is right and what is wrong.
For example they may go to bed one night thinking snuffing out beating hearts in the womb is wrong and wake up the next day and decide to march for it as a right. Or they may go to bed one night thinking legalization of drugs would be a bad idea but wake up the next day and decide to try some......
the shifting sand of opinion.

Now Picture  their support for the Sea Beast Entity while working for the Land Beast---where the Christians think they are doing God's will
The Machinists viewing it as reaching an ultimate point of Singularity if they can tap into this god---or at least get to flex their
cyber-control muscle and make  money off of the implementation of  it--such as providing governments with aid in
digital currency so as to control buying and selling
The Marxists chance to implement their Green Agenda IF Laudato Si' is part of the equation. A possible chance to at least tear down the old order once and for all to it's core.
The Darwinists who may be among those who receive the Mark in their hands since they may not really believe in it but go along for SELF preservation....sort of a "survival of the fittest" in reverse for them.