Sunday, July 21, 2024

God's Hand in the Presidency

Since America has a destiny with End Time Prophecy, and that it is clear that God's hand guided the nation through it's Revolution, the founding of it's government and blessed it so that, as Reagan said
that great American spirit that opened up this completely undeveloped continent from coast to coast and made it a great nation..." the question arises---
Q: what purpose as seen from behind the veil of the seen and the unseen, did each President serve?
Some may have been positive and some nefarious as the Hand of God weaves our path to our rendezvous with Prophecy. A weaving of which in the here and now seems murky on the pages of history (For now we see through a glass, darkly; 1 Corinthians 13:12).

But if one looks closely-----
One can see George Washington's character coming through saving
the young republic by an act as simple as putting on his glasses at a key moment (was he divinely guided to do so at the key moment?) or in his character of stepping aside after two terms and resisting the call to crown him a king---thereby setting the course of American political stability.

Or Teddy Roosevelt's leadership skills, charisma
and personal stamina that thrust America in the throes of the Industrial Revolution onto the global map as an emerging superpower. What of his being saved from bullets that ripped his shirt and hat up without a scratch in the Spanish American War at the head of the Rough Riders....thus propelling him to the status of the top war hero of that conflict and carved out his path to the White House.

Or the former "Conscious WhigAbraham Lincoln's home spun
humble wisdom to hold a nation together with his temperament during the biggest internal crises we have yet faced. Was a divine hand moving among the Democrats to field 2 tickets
(Douglas/Johnson 29% & Breckinridge/Lane 18%) that election of 1860 as well as moving the Constitutional Unionist Party to field a ticket (Bell/Everett 13%)--thereby enabling the abolitionist to win due to a 4 way race?

Or what of Woodrow Wilson? He laid the groundwork for both opening the door in the public arena for the secularization of the
nation in the public arena with his open praise and embracing of Darwinian Macro-Evolution and Long Age Chronology setting the stage for cultural decay. 
 (...when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8)
Or his governing style of opening the door to a modern technocrat globalization and his League of Nations rhetoric. A step by step march towards a global kumbaya moment for the the planet led by the U.S. (For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. Revelation 18:3).

Or James Buchanan, whose indecisive phlegmatic hand at the helm couldn't stop the hemorrhaging of Bleeding Kansas that opened the door for Civil War. In fact he didn't run for reelection because he didn't want to be around for the war as President. The result was war, the abolition of the sin of slavery and who knows what other impacts were laid that influences the flow of events not seen to our eyes to the end--pro or con. 

Or what of Obama? He declared the first Pride Month and shifted public opinion on LGBT now mainstreamed to the point that we now have men in dresses running the country (as an assistant secretary of HHS) and some politicians trying to trans your kids. It has become
like the days of Lot which was known for Sodom.
(Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot;...But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Luke 17:28-30).
A possible reason in the end for a call to a return to God in the end? 
Or his taking us from more debt racked up from the beginning of the nation until his Presidency in just 8 years thereby laying the groundwork for a coming economic collapse as it all crashes down--which in turn--could be used to justify ushering in programable digital currency--thereby giving the government the mechanism to control buying and selling with the push of a bureaucrats button(And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17).

As for Trump and Biden, many Christians see a Divine Hand (and likely so) in the current rapid political events. From the Biden massive Debate Debacle doing him serious political damage to the assassination attempt on Trump
Q: Did a Divine Hand move Biden's Handlers to demand a pre-
convention debate (a first) and apparently not give him his shot they give him to get him through a couple of hours? Will this lead him to step aside or if he stays in the race contribute to a massive defeat at the ballot box?
Q: Did a Divine Hand move Trumps head at the right second which has resulted in many claiming He was preserved by God and that it is God's will he be President again? 
---For between the PR optics of Trump nearly being killed on
camera and rising up bloodied while raising his fist in defiance to his Convention within days with his patch on his ear to the kissing of the former fireman's uniform that died at his rally----Democrat's can't compete with that. They have no optics available to compete.
Q: What is going on behind the veil of the seen and unseen?
Q: What purpose did or will Trump serve in all this?
Q: What purpose did Biden serve in all this?
Q: Will another Democrat be nominated and win and if so what purpose will they serve?

This struggle behind the veil of the seen and unseen---the angel sent to Daniel, held up while trying to influence the kings of Persia (obviously to guide the flow of history on it's overall trajectory) struggling with the Prince of Persia (symbol for Lucifer in this context) behind the veil of history.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. 
Daniel 10:13