Monday, July 15, 2024

Creation Moment 7/16/2024 - Another Evolutionary "tale of humor"

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 
1 Corinthians 3:19

"Another iconic fossil from the Burgess Shale is the lobopod Hallucigenia, that was reconstructed as an alien worm-like creature
walking on spine-like stilts, with a unpaired series of tentacles on its back, and a bulbous head (
Conway Morris 1977). 
Later this reconstruction was revised turned upside down and head to tail: now the tentacles were identified as paired walking leglets (in a paper funnily published on April 1st by Ramsköld 1992), the spines as dorsal armature, and the bulbous structure as decay fluids from the rear end (Ramsköld & Hou 1991, Ramsköld 1992). 
Finally, this new reconstruction was again revised by Smith & Caron (2015), who also recognized the presence of simple eyes on the newly identified head that was previously interpreted as tail."