Saturday, June 15, 2024

IN the NEWS - Ukraine's Thoughts in Times of War

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 
Jeremiah 17:9
In a TIME OF WAR this is what Ukraine has time for and scarce resources to spare for?

"Organizers of the KyivPride March announced on Thursday that the first gay pride event in the Ukrainian capital since the beginning of the Russian invasion will be held on June 16.
The Kyiv Independent reported that the event will have “strict security measures,” the most notable of which is that only the 500 registered participants will know when and where the march will begin.
The march will take place in close proximity to shelters in case of an air alert,” the Kyiv Independent said, passing along one of the few details that has been divulged to the public.
Kyiv’s metro system was originally proposed as the venue for the march, but the city council denied permission, citing security concerns. Kyiv City Hall explained that the metro is a “dual-use facility and part of the city’s infrastructure,” and one of its uses is to serve as an air-raid shelter during Russian attacks." 