Wednesday, June 19, 2024

IN the NEWS - This is what Politicians do with your Money & Children

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) used a fake phone call to avoid answering questions about hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal funding he secured for a Philadelphia LGBTQ center that reportedly
performs sex change surgeries on minors.”.....Casey, who is up for reelection against Republican businessman Dave McCormick, “fake[d] a phone call when asked why he gave $400k in federal funds to a controversial center that performs sex change surgeries on minors.”

During the 43-second clip, Casey does not look at the camera once. While speaking into the phone, he can be heard saying, “Maybe we can reschedule that later?” Casey nabbed $400,000 in funding for the Mazzoni Center..... "the group also connects patients to surgeons who can perform sex-change procedures. In Pennsylvania, these surgeries on minors are legal,” the outlet’s Jon Michael Raasch added.

The group has also reportedly been tied to multiple transgender youth events, including backing a “Pride Prom” for LGBTQ high-school-aged teens, per the Mail.
What is more, the Mazzoni Center’s website touts its bi-monthly “Femme University,” which is “a workshop aimed at catering to the younger generation of trans or gender nonconforming femmes.”
Those who participate in the workshop develop their “own definition of femme.Breitbart