Saturday, June 1, 2024

Creation Moment 6/2/2024 -A big continent?

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 
Genesis 1:1

"Why did Homo sapiens emerge in Africa? (Live Science, 25 May 2024). Katherine Irving doesn’t know why we are here either. Her
expert, Curtis Marean from Arizona State, conjectures that Africa was where Stuff Happens. Of many guesses out there, he considers a new suggestion by Brenna Henn at UC Davis that Homo sapiens emerged from a blending of two hominin populations in Africa, but admits,

It doesn’t really fit with any theory that we have about how evolution happens,” he said. He agrees with Henn that Africa’s immense size likely created the genetic diversity that allowed for the advanced cognition and social cooperation of modern humans to evolve.

*A big continent might “allow for” all kinds of things to happen, but it cannot make things happen.

Q: Why can’t evolutionists see this fallacy?"