Thursday, June 27, 2024


"CONSECRATION is simply the constant recognition of the fact that we are the Lord's and not our own. 
He who learns that this is a fact and lives in the constant living presence and recognition of it as the great fact,—he is consecrated, and this is consecration. 
Nor is this a hard thing to do in itself. 
People make it hard for themselves, by thinking it to be something that it is not, and trying to accomplish it in a way that is not the Lord's way, and even then they miss it. 
And, in truth, going about it in another than the Lord's way, they cannot possibly do anything else than miss it. Is it a fact, then, that we are the Lord's?—Of course it is; for it is written: " Ye are bought with a price." 1 Cor. 6:20. And the price is, " the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." 1 Peter 1: 19. For He " gave Himself for us." Titus 2:14
But He cannot save us in our sins. He will save us from our sins. And as our whole self is sin and sin only, in order to get us, in order to buy us, He had to buy our sins also. 
So in giving Himself for us, He gave Himself for our sins too. And as we are His, because He bought us with that great price, so also our sins are His, for He bought them with the same great price. 
Q: Then will you let Him have the sins which He has bought? or will
you hold on to these yourself ? 
Q: Will you let Him have what is His own? 
Q: Will you let Him do what He will with His own ? 
Q: And what will He do with these sins? 
A: Oh, He will forgive them ! 1 John 1:9. He will make them as white as snow. Isa. 1:18. He will put them away."
The Present Truth