Wednesday, May 22, 2024

SDA News -Papua New Guinea: Nearly 300,000 Baptisms

Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47

"The latest information from the South Pacific Division and the
Papua New Guinea Union Mission is that 278,369 people have been baptized so far in “PNG for Christ” with only about 52% of the over 2000 sites reporting……this is a miracle of God!

Many more will be reported. They are being very careful in PNG to instruct people in Bible studies so they understand God’s Holy Word and the gospel message. This is Holy Spirit power being poured out on Papua New Guinea!!!

There are stories of drug lords burning their marijuana crops and being baptized, prisoners responding to calls, whole villages declaring themselves Adventist. Healings and people understanding the gospel presentations in their own languages are additional things that have been reported.

There were more than 200 speakers involved, including Ted Wilson who presented the Revelation of Hope series. 3708 People were baptized during this 16-night program." 