Saturday, May 18, 2024

Papal Notes - Little Horn Entity Calls for a UNIVERSAL APPROACH

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3-4

"On May 16, 2024, Pope Francis turned up the climate rhetoric at the Vatican during a global gathering of scientists, experts, and
government leaders, including six US governors. During his speech, the
Pope emphasized the importance of “adopting universal” and “rapid” climate policies “capable of effecting changes and political decisions.” He stressed the importance of acting with “urgency, urgency!” The Pope added that failure to act was considered a sin against God and a violation of international law.

The Vatican Press Office reported the following words spoken by Pope Francis:
I am pleased to welcome you, the members of the Pontifical Academies of Science and the Social Sciences. I greet the President and all the guests, mayors and governors coming from various parts of the world for this Summit on the theme, From Climate Crisis to
Climate Resilience
The destruction of the environment is an offense against God, a sin that is not only personal but also structural, one that greatly endangers all human beings, .... and threatens to unleash a conflict between generations.”
First, there is a need to adopt a universal approach and a rapid and resolute activity capable of effecting changes and political decisions.”
The climate crisis requires a synergy of cooperation and global solidarity. This effort must be symphonic, carried out harmoniously by everyone together."

Pope Francis is unwavering in his prophetic mission. 

He is doing everything he can to pass the legal framework and persuade governments to adopt his climate solutions through regulations and legislation." 