Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Papal Notes - The Call For “healthy pressure”

And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. Daniel 7:20

"Then pope said that in order to get people to change their lifestyles and follow environmental policies, society needs to “exert healthy pressure.”
Vatican News published the following:
A healthy pressure from society for respect for Creation – With children we can also learn to relate to Creation, something that is often difficult for adults.”
The theme, naturally, refers to Laudato Si’, the social Encyclical on the care of our Common Home. ‘How much did governments do after your cry of alarm launched in 2015 in defense of the Earth and the environment?’ asks Pacilio.”
They didn’t do enough”, responds the Pope, explaining that this is precisely the meaning of the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum , eight years after Laudato Si’. “The crisis – adds the Pontiff – requires the involvement of everyone: the whole of society must exert healthy pressure, as it is up to each family to think that the future of their own sons and daughters is at stake.”

Exerting “healthy pressure?” 
This is just another way of saying “government coercion.” 
We are witnessing another example of how Rome is doing a
wonderful job of working to undermine our faith and freedoms. We have both religious and state leaders who are drunk on political power and are seeking to control every aspect of our lives. Under the pretext of “keeping people safe,” we will soon once again see our constitutional freedoms suspended.

All this is leading to the criminalization of those who will not blindly accept Rome’s climate propaganda. Power corrupts, but the power of church and state corrupts even faster. Our hope and trust must be in God and not in any church-state unions with their dictators, who are using the so-called climate crisis to gain all the power and control they can. 
These church-state partnerships that are created to monitor and police the “common good” are extremely dangerous to our civil and religious liberties."