Friday, May 31, 2024

IN the NEWS - "Earth Sabbath"?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

Earth Sabbath is a climate advocacy group that is seeking to implement a day of rest for the environment. They just produced another video calling upon people to heed Pope Francis’ call to protect the environment by having a day of rest. In the video, 
Earth Sabbath praises Pope Francis for his leadership in the climate movement and attributes the idea of a weekly day of rest for the environment to Laudato Si’.

The video highlights the following:
Pope Francis has been a powerful voice calling for immediate action. Perhaps the action needed is a weekly Earth Sabbath.”
The concept of a weekly Earth Sabbath was introduced in his encyclical Laudato Si’.”
The pope has met with world leaders, urging binding climate targets.”
Pope Francis has called for a phase-out of coal, oil, and gas.
At the UN climate change conference, the pope urged decisive action.”
Pope Francis urged world leaders to end divisions and unite."
The time for action is now. We must heed the Pope’s call.”
It’s time for everyone to put into action the keeping of a weekly earth Sabbath.

What we are seeing here is a dangerous mixing of politics and religion with the goal of bringing people together to work collectively on environmental issues. The foundation of this movement will be Sunday. This is a call to implement the policies of Laudato Si’, including a day of rest for the earth." 