Thursday, May 9, 2024

IN the NEWS - Calls for Beheadings

Those who kill you, will think they do God a service. 
John 16:2

"Pro-Palestine protesters at George Washington University called for the beheadings of school administrators before hostile clashes with police over ending their Gaza Encampment.
Footage taken on campus on Tuesday saw activists condemn GWU President Ellen Granberg and Provost Christopher Bracey to the 'guillotine.'
Guillotine, guillotine, guillotine, guillotine” a person chanted as others joined in, while some specifically targeted Christopher Alan Bracey, GW’s African American provost, the National Desk (TND) reported. “Bracey, Bracey, we see you, you assault students too... Off to the mother———— gallows with you.
 the protesters were heard chanting as they held a mock court.
The agitators caused chaos in GWU’s U-Yard throughout the night and then resisted police officers after they were called to restore order.
Around 3:30am, police descended on the encampment after they refused to end the illegal demonstration, with a total of 35 people arrested.
What began as a pro-Palestine protest movement, morphed into an anti-Israel movement and is now a
pro-Hamas, genocidal violent religion.
College students howling for beheadings are savages captivated by homicidal deception. Their high sense of self assurance and low sense of self control are the inevitable conclusion of Critical Theory, leftist ideology, and Cultural Marxism.
Some of these protesters carry LGBTQ+ signs saying that Allah loves equality." 
SIDE NOTE: So soon after 9/11....just a generation and we have this on American soil.....Never would have thought that day
9/11 unfold that morning after coming home from Meijer on 3rd shift that this would EVER take place among American youth.....That morning when the phone rang and Ball State told us all classes were cancelled......when that night at work almost nobody came in shopping and no one said hardly anything all night--in the break room people sat in silence---could never have imagined American youth one day, so
soon, be so brainwashed with's because they don't remember 9/11 and understand that the same EVIL ISLAMOFACISM we faced is the same Israel faces.
THE ENEMY WITHIN is due to CRT and LGBT nonsense. It has borne fruit among our youth as played out on our college campuses right now and in polls where 1/3 of Gen Z CLAIM they are not sure what Gender they are.