Sunday, May 5, 2024

Health Notes - Rain

I wish above all things that thou in health...
3 John 1:2

"There are so many benefits of rain, and not just for crops and gardens, but for people too.
Calming scent – rainy day aromatherapy
Don’t you just love the smell of rain? 
Well, it turns out that this blissful scent, known as petrichor, can have a calming effect on your body and mind.
That wonderfully nostalgic smell is created when compounds from plant oils are mixed into moisture droplets and released into the air.
Next time you find yourself outside in the rain, take in a big deep breath and take in that soothing scent; it’ll do you a world of good.
Cleaner air – the best time for a walk
When it rains, a natural phenomenon occurs. 
The rain droplets attract tens to hundreds of air pollution particles caused by the likes of traffic.
In turn, this means the air you breathe in when it’s raining is cleaner and clearer than any other time." 