Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Creation Moment 5/15/2024 - Mad "Scientists" draw from Darwin

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

"Romans and Greeks developed weapons (long bows, Greek fire, catapults) to gain advantages in war. European nations in the Scientific Revolution often steered their research institutions toward military needs, usually for defensive but sometimes offensive purposes. 

Never before, though, has the whole world been threatened with extinction due to scientific research
Bioweapons, more insidious than nuclear weapons, leave no mushroom cloud. Invisible, silent and deadly, designed viruses could be unleashed on the world that multiply in human bodies and spread through the air. 
It would be difficult to tell where they came from or whether they are natural or artificial. The scientists who created them might be unable to stop them or develop countermeasures in time. The unseen, indiscriminate killing machines could run their course for years, leaving tens or hundreds of millions in their wake.

Q: Is the following scenario unbelievable? 
The US creates a deadly version of herpesvirus to beat the Chinese who are working on one, but it escapes a lab accidentally through carelessness and kills millions of Americans instead. 
Q: Is this not part of what the Chinese suffered when the Covid-19 virus escaped? The communist government locked down its citizens for weeks and months, increasing the suffering.

Here’s a scary story from July 2023: secret Chinese biolab found operating in California, with vials of HIV and ebola viruses handled carelessly (New York Post, also reported on many mainstream media outlets like the AP and NBC and USA Today). Fairly ‘shocking’ last year, but largely forgotten now.

Another nightmare scenario should be considered. 
There are leftist scientists with misanthropic worldviews who believe the deaths of millions of people would be a good thing! (source). .... one of them, Eric Pianka. “[Disease] will control the scourge of humanity,Pianka said, according to the Seguin Gazette. “We’re looking forward to a huge collapse.” Eric Pianka, an ecologist and zoologist who studies reptiles at the University of Texas, said in a lecture that the world would be better off without 90 per cent of the human population.

Another quote illustrated by Greene came from your friendly TV liberal, Bill Maher.
It’s worth noting that all these voices calling for mass death of humans come from the political left. 

They all get their morals from evolutionary scientism and from Deep Time, seeing human beings as sort of an afterthought in the grand Darwinian scheme of nature."