Saturday, May 11, 2024

Creation Moment 5/12/2024 - How about this as a 4th Explanation

Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night,.... Jeremiah 31:35

"Using the Gemini High-resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST), which is attached to the 8.1-m Gemini South telescope at Cerro Pachón, Chile, astronomers have explored different scenarios to explain the chemical difference found in the remarkable giant-giant binary system HD 138202 + CD-30 12303.

These stellar pairs are born together out of the same molecular cloud from a shared abundance of chemical building blocks, so astronomers would expect to find that they have nearly identical compositions and planetary systems
--However, for many binaries that isn’t the case. 
While some proposed explanations attribute these dissimilarities to events occurring after the stars evolved, astronomers using the GHOST instrument confirmed that they can actually originate from before the stars even began to form. Previous studies have proposed three possible explanations for observed chemical differences
between binary stars.

Two of them involve processes that would occur well into the stars’ evolution: atomic diffusion, or the settling of chemical elements into gradient layers depending on each star’s temperature and surface gravity; and the engulfment of a small, rocky planet, which would introduce chemical variations in a star’s composition.

The third possible explanation looks back at the beginning of the stars’ formation, suggesting that the differences originate from primordial, or pre-existing, areas of nonuniformity within the molecular cloud."
Here is a 4th Explanation: They were created unique and distinct with different compositions and that is why the evolutionary cosmologists are scrambling for theories to fit their flawed worldview of origins.