Friday, May 24, 2024

3 Types of Temples

"There are three temples brought to view in the Bible: 
1) the heavenly temple, the dwelling-place of the Most High, where Christ intercedes in our behalf; 
2) the temple of the human body, where God's Spirit rules and reigns; and 
3) the earthly temple, with services designed to teach mankind how to receive divine pardon and power from the great storehouse above, so that God can honor them by abiding with them continually.

If the one who longs to know more of Christ and His infinite love will study the types and symbols of the earthly sanctuary, connecting each type with its glorious anti-type, his soul will be filled with rapture. 
Like the lenses of the telescope, they reveal, wondrous beauties in the character of our blessed Redeemer, beauties that are revealed in no other way.

Names given the heavenly sanctuary by different Bible writers:

Thy dwelling-place
. . Solomon . . .  2 Chron. 6:39

His holy temple . . .  David . . . Psalm 11:4

Temple of God” . . .  John . . .  Rev. 11:19

Habitation of Thy holiness” . . . Isaiah . . .  Isa. 63:15

True tabernacle which the Lord pitched” . . Paul . . .Heb. 8:2

My Father's house” . . . Jesus . . . John 14:2

Place of His habitation” . . . David, . . . Psalm 33:14

His holy habitation . . . Jeremiah . . . Jer. 25:30

Holiest of all” . . .  Paul . . .  Heb. 9:8.

Names given the earthly sanctuary:

A worldly sanctuary” . . . Heb. 9:1

The first tabernacle” . . . Heb. 9:8

A figure for the time then present” . . .  Heb. 9:9

Patterns of things in the heavens” . . . Heb. 9:23

Holy places made with hands, a copy of the true” . .  Heb. 9:24

The temple” . . . 1 Cor. 9:13

The body of the Christian is called the temple:

Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. . . He spake of the temple of His body.John 2:19-21.

Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?1 Cor. 6:19.

"If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. " 1 Cor. 3:17." 

Stephen Haskell