Monday, April 1, 2024

That "train of thought" & the Mind

.....but I see another law at work in me, 
waging war against the law of my mind 
and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 
Romans 7:23

"Christ stooped to take upon Himself human nature that He might reach the fallen race and lift them up. 
But the minds of men had become darkened by sin
their faculties were benumbed and their perceptions dulled
so that they could not discern His divine character beneath the garb of humanity. 

This lack of appreciation on their part was an obstacle to the work
which He desired to accomplish for them; and in order to give force to His teaching He was often under the necessity of defining and defending His position.

By referring to His mysterious and divine character, He sought to lead their minds into a train of thought which would be favorable to the transforming power of truth. 
Again, He used the things of nature with which they were familiar to illustrate divine truth. 
The soil of the heart was thus prepared to receive the good seed." 