Wednesday, April 17, 2024

SDA Issues: President Ted Wilson Responds to Hardy's NONSENSE

Train up a child in the way he should go: Proverbs 22:6

"Mrs. Lisa Hardy. Education director for GC
She outlined a host of edits to the document, and said that the
document could negatively affect the autonomy of educational institutions. Directly interposing between the institution and its governing board would be a challenge (whatever that means). Putting a BRI member on boards would pose ‘
some challenges’. Many of our educational institutions are not willfully going against GC working policy. They just don’t have a copy of the GC policy (lamest excuse ever). She is also concerned that the recommendations are too broad.

Ted Wilson
responded to Mrs. Hardy. “I'm going to put my neck right on the line. Our institutions which have drifted—and I'm going to use that word—have drifted into the area of saying “You can't touch us. We have our own board we have our own protocols and you can't touch us.” They have drifted into the wrong place.
Institutions are institutions of the World Church respectively in all of the different areas—who funds them, who sends the students. These are the people that want to see those educational institutions flourish under an understanding of [true] education in a Biblical and spirit of Prophecy and [a] God-focused understanding. That is the reason for our institutions. Otherwise, there's no other reason for it. Parents [and] constituent members want to see that kind of focus.
Institutions which are now putting an arm's length between the church and active involvement of the church are headed in the wrong direction. Some people will not like to hear that. They will say [it] sounds like this president is now going to become a big gorilla and going to lean on us. We're going to work on this collaboratively, but we cannot allow the slippage.