Sunday, April 14, 2024

"Saint" Astrology?

There shall not be found among you......a necromancer.
Deuteronomy 18:10,11

Below is an article from a Catholic website. It would appear that "saints" are being used like stars in Astrology
"Among the thousands of saints canonized or beatified by the Catholic Church, each has his or her own favorite — a preference that is often revealing.
A saint for every cause and a cause for every saint. The web is
teeming with personality tests of all kinds, and more and more corporate seminars offer them to their employees. These often-exhaustive tests all have the same aim: to paint a typical portrait of a person to determine their main character traits and the way they behave in society.

As members of the Church, we recognize there are physical and spiritual links that unite us to others. In this sense, the saints — or rather the relationships each person has with them — could be just as revealing of someone’s personality as the answers on a personality test. So asking, “Who is your favorite saint?” might be a great way to get to know our loved ones, colleges and friends better.
Perhaps it is the saints who choose us as friends. 
In that case, such friendships contain a whole program of sanctification that indeed say something profound about each person’s personality: “Tell me your favorite saints and I’ll tell you who you are.” 