Saturday, April 13, 2024

Our Precious "bundle of myrrh"

A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me.
Song of Solomon 1:13

"Myrrh may well be chosen as the type of Jesus on account of its preciousness, its perfume, its pleasantness, its healing, preserving, disinfecting qualities, and its connection with sacrifice.

Q: But why is He compared to “a bundle of myrrh”? 
A: First, for plenty. He is not a drop of it, He is a casket full. 
He is not a sprig or flower of it, but a whole bundle. 
There is enough in Christ for all my necessities; let me not be slow to avail myself of Him. 
Our well-beloved is compared to a “bundle” again, for variety: for there is in Christ not only the one thing needful, but in “Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily;” everything needful is in Him. 

Take Jesus in His different characters, and you will see a marvelous variety—Prophet, Priest, King, Friend, Shepherd

Consider Him in His life, death, resurrection, ascension, second
advent; view Him in His virtue, gentleness, courage, self-denial, love, faithfulness, truth, righteousness—everywhere He is a
bundle of preciousness

He is a “bundle of myrrh” for preservation—not loose myrrh to be dropped on the floor or trodden on.
Moreover, Jesus is a “bundle of myrrh” for speciality; ,,,,From before the foundation of the world, He was set apart for His people; and He gives forth his perfume only to those who understand how to enter into communion with Him, ...“A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me.”
Charles Spurgeon