Wednesday, April 24, 2024

On the Streets of Babylon: $750 a month FRAUDS spotted on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "
$750 a month Frauds" seen roaming the Streets of Babylon...

"Ian Carroll is the founder of Building Contenders, a ministry part of Bethel Church’s Leadership Network. He and his wife “walk
alongside senior leaders of churches
” to help folks “activate the supernatural, build kingdom foundations, and partner with heaven.

Crucially, his ministry is “known for manifestations of heaven, catalytic culture shift, and biblical teachings on the spiritual realm” where he claims to be an Apostle sent to “reform, revive and align the church into maturity.
He and his wife also “pioneer regional intensives all over the United States to raise up Apostles and Prophets” and sell courses and training on how to have mystical encounters, including dream and vision interpretation. Not a cheap service, prayers cost $120 for a 30-minute session, $750 for a month, or $7500 for the entire year. What a deal!
In a newly unearthed video, Carroll can be seeing explaining that he recently interviewed a real angel for his new book, Seeing the Glory: A Journey into the Mystical Realm, where the angel tells him all about heaven and the various spiritual mysteries therein.
.... the 135 page book is only available as an e-book, has a 7 reviews, and is ranked #1,122,631 on the Kindle store." 