Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Nietzsche's Atheism in Real World Application

In their blind conceit,
they cannot see how wicked they really are.
Psalm 36:2 NLT
Uncommon Descent
"For Nietzsche nature is cruel and indifferent to suffering, and that cruel indifference is a good thing. 
*The strong rule the weak and that is as it should be. 
Q: And why should the strong rule the weak? 
A: Because that is the natural order of things of course. 
*In a world where God is dead, objective morality is merely an illusion slaves have foisted on masters as a sort of self-defense mechanism.

Nietzsche urges us to go beyond good and evil, he is urging us to recognize the implications of God’s death for morality. 
*God is the only possible source of transcendent objective moral norms. 
*If God does not exist, then neither do transcendent objective moral norms. 
*And if transcendent objective moral norms do not exist, neither do “good” and “evil” in the traditional senses of those words. 
*There is only a perpetual battle of all against all, and “good” is a synonym for prevailing in that battle, and “evil” is a synonym for losing. . . .
Q: How many times have the atheists insisted, “we are just as ‘good’ as you”? 
Q: Why have they failed to learn from Nietzsche that “good” means nothing.

Nietzsche again:
"The noble type of man regards HIMSELF as a determiner of values; he does not require to be approved of; he passes the judgment: “What is injurious to me is injurious in itself;” he knows that it is he himself only who confers honor on things; he is a CREATOR OF VALUES. He honors whatever he recognizes in himself: such morality equals self-glorification. . . . one may act towards beings of a lower rank, towards all that is foreign, just as seems good to one, or “as the heart desires,” and in any case “beyond good and evil”....
...to the end of the logical road to which his premises lead...
...allow me to show you the end of that road":"