Monday, April 1, 2024

Creation Moments 4/1/2024 - These 2 Should Not Exist (but they do)

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven... Genesis 1:14

"Ancient people knew and named six of the eight planets in our solar system. But Uranus and Neptune are much further away and need powerful telescopes to be seen properly.

Q: How could they form? 
Evolutionists say that the sun and planets formed from a collapsing
cloud of dust and gas. But there would be very little material so far away from the sun, and it would move very slowly. 
So some evolutionists say that Uranus and Neptune should not exist under their model
But they do exist, because God created them on Day 4 of Creation Week.

Uranus and especially Neptune give off more heat than they receive from the sun. That is why Neptune is a bit warmer despite being further from the sun. The heat also powers the strong winds on these planets. But if the planets were billions of years old, the heat source would have run out long ago."