Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Creation Moment 4/24/2024 - Darwin's Magic Fish Wand

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,.... 
Romans 1:22

"C. S. Lewis described the core of universal evolutionism as a mystical (i.e. non-empirical) belief in inevitable progress:
"By universal evolutionism I mean the belief that the very formula of universal process is 
--from imperfect to perfect,
--from small beginnings to great endings, 
--from the rudimentary to the elaborate: 
the belief which makes people find it natural to think that 
--morality springs from savage taboos, 
--adult sentiment from infantile sexual maladjustments, 
--thought from instinct, mind from matter, organic from inorganic, 
--cosmos from chaos. 
This is perhaps the deepest habit of mind in the contemporary world. It seems to me immensely unplausible, because it makes the general course of nature so very unlike those parts of nature we can observe."
It is this core belief that underlies many claims by evolutionists about where things came from. 
The “Darwin Fish” icon illustrates the magic: fish sprout legs and crawl ashore. Similarly, insects and birds sprout wings and fly into the air, or humans grow big brains and become philosophers."