Monday, April 22, 2024

Creation Moment 4/23/2024 - Col. 1:17 vs. Penrose' Speculation of no beginning

And He is before all things
and by Him all things consist. 
Colossians 1:17

"Here’s a sampling of science reporting that makes bigger claims than the evidence supports. 
At Closer to Truth, “Roger Penrose — Did the Universe Begin?”
Without any evidence, Penrose
postulates an infinite sequence of expanding universes, arguing that after infinite time, an infinitely expanded universe would become spatially equivalent to the singularity representing the big bang of a subsequent universe. 
In a conversation with Brian Keating and Justin Brierley, Stephen Meyer critiques the Penrose proposal, citing other cosmologists to conclude that “Penrose is just speculating,” invoking a physical field with “god-like properties.” 
Penrose tips his hand with a statement that reveals his personal motivation to avoid a true beginning to the universe: “There’s something within us all that would like an eternal universe.”