Friday, April 19, 2024

Creation Moment 4/20/2024 - Those Big Claims of Evolution

They know the truth about God 
because He has made it obvious to them. 
For ever since the world was created, 
people have seen the earth and sky. 
Through everything God made, 
they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. 
So they have no excuse for not knowing God. 
Romans 1:19,20

"Here’s a sampling of science reporting that makes bigger claims than the evidence supports. 
Why Is Life Left-Handed? We Might Finally Know.” Sabine
Hossenfelder reviews recent research suggestions that the unique “
handedness” of bio-relevant molecules, such as the amino acids that comprise proteins, arose from a preferential interaction of the Earth’s magnetic field and molecules of a certain chirality. 
Remnant magnetization of some rocks perhaps complemented the effect. 
--Suggestions such as these, or others involving the rotation of the Earth, come nowhere near to answering the question of how to explain the strict homochirality of biomolecules
And again, the issue is a distraction from the deeper problem of how the instruction set for building all of the thousands of different life-essential proteins out of homochiral amino acids could have come about by natural processes."