Friday, March 1, 2024

We Have A Record

"It’s a record of death, of disease, of violence—and it is the most
horrific graveyard in the world.
It’s a record of billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. 
We call it the fossil record

Q: But when did this graveyard of death occur—before Adam sinned? 
---Let us consider what the Bible teaches concerning life before Adam ate the forbidden fruit and sin entered the world and compare it to the fossil record. 
In Genesis 1:29–30, God instructed Adam and Eve to eat fruit and herbs, and He tells us that the animals ate plants. 
Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to
everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food’; and it was so
” (Genesis 1:30).  The Bible makes no specific statement about when animals started eating each other. However, it had to be after sin—not before
It is important to remember that the Bible is primarily a book about man and his relationship with God, not a book about animals. So, we wouldn’t expect to find detailed teaching concerning animals as we do man. Nevertheless, we can certainly apply what we do know from Scripture to an understanding of the animal kingdom.

At the end of Creation Week, when God had “
finished” His work of creating, He described everything He had made, including all animals, plants, and Adam and Eve, as “very good” (Genesis 1:31). 

When God described the creation as “very good,” there would be no death, disease, suffering, or deterioration from old age. So, at the end of the Creation Week, animals would not have been eating each other, they would not have suffered from any diseases, and they would not be dying from old age. It was a “very good,” or perfect, creation. 

Because of sin and as a part of the Curse, God stated that “both
thorns and thistles shall
[the ground] bring forth for you” (Genesis 3:18). So there would have been no thorns in the creation before the Curse. 
Q: What do we observe in the world today? 
A: We see animals eating each other, animals dying from diseases and old age, and thorns growing everywhere. 
Writing in the context of the effects of sin, the Apostle Paul says that the “whole creation groans” (Romans 8:22). 

*Now, understanding all this, let us look at the most horrific graveyard in the world—the fossil record. Is it like the world today
or the world before Adam sinned. 
We observe: Evidence of animals eating other animals.
Evidence of disease, such as cancer.
Now secularists believe that most of the fossil record, which spreads over the majority of the earth’s surface, was laid down over hundreds of millions of years—long before man appeared on the earth. (And, sadly, many Christians have adopted their ideas.) 
I believe the Bible makes it quite clear that thorns, disease, and carnivory originated after Adam’s sin. 
So, the view that creatures lived and died millions of years before Adam’s sin totally contradicts the Bible. This horrific fossil graveyard had to be formed after Adam sinned—after the Curse. 

Q: So, what Formed the Graveyard? 
A: The global Flood of Noah’s day make sense of the formation of
such a
fossil record
The Garden of Eden could not have existed on top of this graveyard. Instead, most of this graveyard had to be formed by the burial of creatures during the Flood. 
---This horrific graveyard serves as a reminder that God’s Word is true (He really did flood the whole earth, as recorded in Genesis 6–9). 
---It is also a reminder that God will judge the world again, but next time by fire

Just as God provided an Ark of salvation for Noah and his family (and anyone else, if they wanted to go through the door to be saved), so He has provided an Ark of salvation for us—the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). .... let the horrific fossil graveyard always remind you of past judgment, future judgment, and the Ark of salvation."
Kem Ham/x