Monday, March 4, 2024

The "Really" File - (When Democrats Go All Rom. 1:30)

.....inventors of evil things.... Romans 1:30

"A Kentucky Democrat suggested sex dolls styled to resemble children could help prevent pedophiles from abusing kids, sparking condemnation and outrage from Republicans in the state.

This might be the most disturbing thing you see today. Watch KY Democratic Senator Karen Berg propose Child Sex Dolls for Pedophiles. This type of disturbing proposition has no place in the Commonwealth,” the Republican Party of Kentucky posted Friday with video of her comments.

From the "Really" File
The post was in response to Democratic state Sen.
Karen Berg saying in a committee hearing on Thursday that “minor-attracted persons” could benefit from sex dolls that look like children, arguing the dolls could give pedophiles a “release” that might prevent them from abusing kids.

Berg argued that she had Googled child sex dolls the night prior to the committee meeting, as she was “completely unfamiliar” with such dolls and found research indicating they could be helpful with pedophiles’ “proclivities.” NYP