Friday, March 15, 2024

State of the Dead Controversy in days of Christ

The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead, bare record. 
John 12:17

"Bethany was so near Jerusalem that the news of the raising of
Lazarus was soon carried to the city. 
The Sadducees, though not favorable to Christ, had not been so full of malignity toward Him as were the Pharisees
Their hatred had not been so bitter. 

But they were now thoroughly alarmed. They did not believe in a resurrection of the dead
---Producing so-called science, they had reasoned that it would be an impossibility for a dead body to be brought to life. 
*But by a few words from Christ their theory had been overthrown. *They were shown to be ignorant both of the Scriptures and of the power of God. 

They could see no possibility of removing the impression made on
the people by the miracle. 
Q: How could men be turned away from Him who had prevailed to rob the grave of its dead? 
A: Lying reports were put in circulation, but the miracle could not be denied, and how to counteract its effect they knew not. 
Thus far the Sadducees had not encouraged the plan of putting Christ to death. But after the resurrection of Lazarus they decided that only by His death could His fearless denunciations against them be stopped." 