Thursday, March 7, 2024

SDA Issues - Desecrating our Church Services

Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:16

"On Sabbath, February 24, 2024, Shiloh Adventist Church in Toronto held a praise and worship service led by the Shiloh Junior Praise
Team. During the service, they danced and sang repeatedly, “Let us dance, Jesus dances” and “Dance, dance, let us dance, everybody.” The message is that because Jesus is dancing in heaven (and not making the final atonement to blot out our sins), we should all be dancing. If Jesus is dancing, then we should too.

Mixing religion with entertainment can dilute the purity and sincerity of worship. When emphasis shifts towards providing entertaining experiences, there’s a risk of losing focus on the fundamental principles of the faith. Instead of fostering a relationship with God, it promotes a shallow and fictitious understanding of Him. This reduces the worship of a holy God to a mere pastime spectacle." AdventMessenger