Saturday, March 16, 2024

IN the NEWS - "Sunday" comes up in U.S. Senate (allied with Unions)

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for thechildren of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: Daniel 12:1
***As we've said before, to those who think that only the "Christian
" via the Republican Party will implement
Sunday Sacredness--here we have a Leftwing Democrat making the case of Sunday & "worship" on Sunday being special. 
---The Point: ALL the WORLD we are told will wonder after the BEAST. That will be both sides politically including these pro-abortion, pro-LGBT agenda Leftists.

"The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions heard a speech by Connecticut Democrat Senator Chris Murphy on Thursday, March 14, 2024. 
The committee hearings addressed the need for a 32-hour work week that would give Americans more time for leisure activities such as family socials and Sunday church services
Speaking to Mr. Shawn Fain, International President of the United Auto Workers Union, Senator Murphy said that the reason for the drop in religious attendance is that individuals are simply too exhausted after their week of work. In response, the head of the union reaffirmed that those who work too much don’t have time for worship on Sundays.

The following exchange occurred in our US Congress between
Senator Murphy and Union President Fain:
Senator Chris Murphy: There’s a pretty wild thing happening in
America today: in 2000, 70 percent of Americans belonged to a religious institution, but today that number is 50 percent. There has been a pretty precipitous decline in the ability or willingness of Americans to go to church or to a religious institution on a regular basis. And I think that has lots of broad impacts in our society. There are a lot of reasons for that, but one of them is that Americans just have less free time. When you have to work 70 hours to get the same standard of living for your family that 40 hours would have gotten you a few decades ago, you don’t have time to go to Wednesday night Bible study; you might not have the ability to even attend church services on a
Sunday. You can talk about church if you want or if you don’t want, but it is just true that some of the leisure time activities, some of the institutions that Americans found value and meaning in, are less accessible when you have to work these long hours. I’d love to just hear your thoughts on that
Shawn Fain, UAW President: One of the biggest, one of the things we talked about was the 32-hour work week when we put that in our
contract talks was the fact that we wanted to create work life balance … And as I say when you’re working multiple jobs to live paycheck to paycheck or you’re working seven days a week, 12 hours a day, something else is sacrificed in that, and that’s what ends up happening. You have to sacrifice, you know, the ability to go to church. If it’s something else to do on a
Sunday, maybe you get a Sunday off and you haven’t slept all weekend, and you spend the whole day sleeping. I mean that that is a reality a lot of workers face on some of the schedules they work … I do believe Congress has an obligation here, spending priorities and regulations. And that may be an ugly word to some people that represent business.

A sitting US senator is urging policymakers to get involved in ensuring that people have more time for church and recreation. According to Senator Murphy, the desire for more leisure ought to be considered a “public policy interest of the United States Congress.” This is a call being made in a Senate committee to reduce the work week, and one of the justifications is so that people can get back to church on Sundays. It’s not simply a call, though. A bill to cut the workweek down to only 32 hours has already been introduced." 

"The trades unions will be one of the agencies that will bring upon
this earth a time of trouble such as has not been since the world began
unions are one of the signs of the last days. Men .....may be church members, but while they belong to these unions, they cannot possibly keep the commandments of God; for to belong to these unions means to disregard the entire Decalogue
Those who claim to be the children of God are in no case to bind up with the labor unions that are formed or that shall be formed." 