Saturday, March 16, 2024

IN the NEWS - March towards FREEDOMLESS Democracies

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: Daniel 12:1

In Canada, the AUTHORITARIAN/TOTALITARIAN assault on Free Speech continues by the Trudeau regime.....LIFE IN PRISON for SPEECH deemed "hate" by the Politicians. 
NOW, Picture this Mentality applied in the near future to the MARK OF THE BEAST Controversy.
One can see how, if the government deemed at some point in the future, that criticism of the beast entity constitutes "hate speech" they could lock you up with a Life Sentence. Tools & Mechanisms are being flirted with as we become

"The Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63 increases the potential penalties from five years to life imprisonment. It also increases the penalty
for the willful promotion of hatred (a dangerously ill-defined crime) from two years to five years. The proposed changes constitute a doubling down on
Canada’s commitment to reducing free speech for citizens despite criticism from many in the civil liberties community. There is also a chilling option for house arrest if a judge believes a defendant “will commit” an offense. In other words, if a judge thinks that a citizen will be undeterred and try to speak freely again.

Justice Minister Arif Virani employed the same hysteria to convince citizens to surrender their freedoms to the government. He expressed how terrified he was with the potential of free speech....

It is not likely to end there.

The law comes after Canada blocked a Russian dissident from becoming a citizen because of her violation of Russian anti-free speech laws.
In a telling act, the government said that the same conduct (i.e., free speech) could be a crime in Canada.
Indeed, it may now be punished even more harshly." 