Tuesday, March 26, 2024

IN the NEWS - Electing Politicians after your own heart: RAMIFICATION Case Study

....being filled with all unrighteousness, .... wickedness,.... maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; .... Romans 1:29
"Baltimore is now facing apocalyptic levels of policing shortages.
Last week, THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents.
Police are now UNABLE to respond to calls, 
including for child assault.
The radical leftists in control of Baltimore City Hall have plunged the metro area just north of Washington, DC, into apocalyptic levels. We advise readers to entirely avoid the metro area 
as violent crime spirals out of control.
---Failed social justice reforms,
---defunding the police
---and widespread mistrust of the police 
have resulted in a skeleton police force that will no longer be able to protect residents in some regions of the city.
Several radio transmissions of a police dispatcher pleaded for additional officers as 911 calls came pouring in. At least ten calls went unanswered in a matter of minutes.
Avoid Baltimore as it implodes. Remember, the collapsing police force means more 9-11 calls will go unanswered." 