Friday, March 22, 2024

IN the NEWS - The Beast is speaking in 2024.... Listen Closely To What It Is Spouting

....and there is no new thing under the sun. Eccl. 1:9

"On March 12, 2024, Catholic News Agency published an article called “A New Sabbath” and made the following bold and false claims:

“Celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is the sign of the new and everlasting covenant for Christians”

“If the Sabbath was Saturday, why do we emphasize Sunday? The move from Saturday to Sunday, from Sabbath to the Lord’s Day, is intimately connected to the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.”

Sunday is thus distinguished from the Sabbath in that it replaces it, fulfills the truths of it and announces man’s eternal rest in God.”

“So, it is primarily the resurrection that leads to worship and adoration of our Father on Sunday instead of Saturday.

On March 8, 2024, Hope 103.2 FM, an Evangelical Christian radio station in Sydney, Australia, published an article titled “The Sabbath Points Us to Jesus” and stated the following:

“Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week, Sunday, which became our day of worship. This transformation from the seventh day to the first points to a new creation in Christ, fulfilling the Sabbath’s foreshadowing of renewal.”