Saturday, March 2, 2024

Creation Moment 3/3/2024 - Adam's rib

And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Genesis 2:22

"Adam didn’t have to spend long in the Garden of Eden on his own. God created for Adam a wife, called Eve. God chose not to create her from the dust of the earth, but rather, from one of Adam’s ribs. (Genesis 2:22). 

*Some Bible skeptics have falsely claimed that if this were true, it
would mean that “
women have one more rib than men”. 
---As a result, sometimes they think ‘gotcha’ when they confidently exclaim that men don’t have one rib less than women. Men have exactly the same number of ribs as women—12 pairs.

-This is a strawman argument, however, because the Bible never actually claims such a thing. 
-Nor would a difference in male rib numbers even be expected as a consequence of God’s procedure on Adam. 
-If somebody loses a finger, for instance, during an accident, that does not mean that any of their children will be born with one less finger.

This is because the number of fingers, or ribs, is genetically determined in the chromosomes (DNA) passed on from generation to generation. With his wife Eve, Adam fathered the world’s first generation of naturally born children, from whom we all descended. Even if Adam had been missing a rib all his life, all of his children would have inherited the DNA information (program) coding for the same number of ribs with which he started life—24.

In any case, though, Adam would have only been missing a rib for a few months. Did you know that the rib is the only bone in the human body that will regularly grow back once removed, providing it is removed carefully? There is a thin membrane around the bone, suitably named periosteum, that enables regeneration of the bone. If this membrane is not damaged, the rib usually grows back promptly." CMI