Saturday, March 30, 2024

Creation Moment 3/31/2024 - The Money Quote from Science

For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, Colossians 1:16

"Let’s begin with the money quote from the press release we are looking at today:

"The human body is among the most complex pieces of machinery to
. Every time you so much as scratch your nose, you’re using more intricate engineering than any rocket ship or supercomputer ever designed. It’s taken us centuries to deconstruct how this works, and each time someone discovers a new mechanism, a few more mysteries of human health make sense—and new treatments become available."

Q: Surely there must be a follow-up statement about evolution in this academic press release, right? 
Q: Maybe a pinch of incense to Father Charlie? 
Not this time.

The quote above comes from Professor Chuan He, “a world-renowned chemist.” In 2011, Professor He was involved in the discovery that RNA methylation helped regulate DNA. This was contrary to the Central Dogma of biochemistry: DNA makes RNA makes protein. The Central Dogma considered DNA the mastermind of life. The field of epigenetics has changed all that.

"His team found that the molecules called messenger RNA, previously known as simple couriers that carry instructions from DNA to proteins, were actually making their own impacts on protein production. This is done by a reversible chemical reaction called methylation; He’s key breakthrough was showing that this methylation was reversible. It wasn’t a one-time, one-way transaction; it could be erased and reversed.
“That discovery launched us into a modern era of RNA modification research, which has really exploded in the last few years,” said He. “This is how so much of gene expression is critically affected. It impacts a wide range of biological processes—learning and memory, circadian rhythms, even something so fundamental as how a cell differentiates itself into, say, a blood cell versus a neuron.”