Thursday, March 14, 2024

Creation Moment 3/15/2024 - What headline might show up that will throw out the current assumptions?"

 .....He made the stars also. Genesis 1:16

"Aastronomers decided they had dated a pulsar too young. Now, they
figure they dated another one too old by 43,000 years, says the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, “Age Discrepancy Throws Pulsar Theories into Turmoil.

Using the Very Large Array in New Mexico, astronomers measured the proper motion of a pulsar away from its presumed supernova progenitor and got a much younger age than the technique used for years, measuring the slowing of the rotation rate. 
The NRAO report says,
Previous estimates of pulsar ages have assumed that all pulsars are born spinning much faster than we see them now, that the physical characteristics of the pulsar such as its mass and magnetic-field strength do not change with time, and that the slowdown rate can be estimated by applying the physics of a magnet spinning in a vacuum. ‘With one pulsar older than the estimates and one younger, we now realize that we have to question all three of these assumptions,’ said Gaensler.”

Notice that important word assumptions. 
Dating methods are often presented as empirical tools that give
objective results. 
---In reality, they are interpretations of measurements made with unverifiable assumptions. 
Some of the assumptions may seem reasonable, but consider that for decades now, these assumptions seemed reasonable, but are now being questioned. 
Q: Does that give you any confidence that the ages tossed around in this story–64,000 years– have any validity at all? 
Q: What headline might show up that will throw out the current assumptions?"